Natalie Smith, Volunteer at FrancisCorps

Full Circle

You ask me, “Where are you being called to go from here?” My first and most forceful gut reaction is, “Home.” I miss it fiercely. On the surface, that answer could sound like a regression. In the last year I’ve graduated from college, moved across the country, lived with five incredibly inspiring and fun-loving women,…

Natalie Smith, Volunteer at FrancisCorps

Brave Enough to Believe

Witnessing homelessness eight hours a day, five days a week, inside a shelter, looks very different than 30 seconds at a street corner. I think when most people hear the word homeless, several assumptions come to mind. Perhaps they imagine a person who is dirty, poor, unstable, and maybe even lazy, crazy, and scary. All…

Natalie Smith, Volunteer at FrancisCorps

Finding Balance

The gentle piano music of my alarm calls me into consciousness at 7:15. I slide out of bed and into the clothes I picked out the night before. Grabbing my journal, morning prayer book, and pen, I find my familiar seat on the balcony. I give my senses a moment to awaken as I watch…

Natalie Smith, Volunteer at FrancisCorps

Discovering the Next Step

The term “post-grad service” didn’t enter my vocabulary until my sophomore year at the University of Portland in conversation with a campus minister, Beth Barsotti. She spoke with me about her experience doing a year of service with L’Arche in Washington DC, and how it grew from a simple “year of service” to a four-year…

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