Never Alone

Group picture of FC23

My days are all different, but it’s consistently the same kind of crazy. My schedule ranges from having office duties, conducting school starts, taking families to all kinds of appointments, and running a New Girls’ program in the evenings. Along the way, an emergency may arise in which a student needs to be picked up from school, a client needs food stamps ASAP, or a member of the community is in desperate need of a job. These arrays of duties build my days to always look different. However, through it all, when I rest my head at night, I always find a moment that brings a smile to my face. 

When it comes to service and community there are many highs and lows, but both are needed to create balance. As a community, we are aware that each of our days are different. Some of our members come home to tell stories of a heartwarming, crazy, or tough experience they had, while others may come home from a slow day at their site. In terms of service, sometimes it is hard to go through days when we have personal things going on; all ranging from having family drama, graduate school applications, physical pains, or mental rainclouds. However, there are some days that you awake with this burning passion to just help as many people as you can because that is what God called our community to do this year (and for the rest of our lives if I’m honest). Point is, whatever obstacle or joy we are faced with, we all persevere because we know that we never do it alone. We lean on one another within our community, we push each other to serve with a loving heart, and we pray that God may call us each morning to serve each other and the larger community.

Categories: General

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